Things You Need To Know About Maintaining and Repairing Your Dentures

Maintaining proper dental hygiene is a very important part of staying healthy. Cleaning your teeth regularly and with the proper tools is something that should be a part of you. This doesn’t have to change when you start using dentures, however. Be it your natural teeth or artificial ones like dentures, you still need to pay attention to it regularly.

Taking care of your dentures requires a different set of tools and practices than taking care of your teeth normally would. In this blog, you would be learning how to maintain and repair your dentures, and also the tools you would need to get this done.

Dentures Repair Clinic

Tools Needed for Maintaining and Repairing Dentures

As stated earlier, you would need a number of tools for the maintenance of your denture. Some of these tools you might already have while others you might need to get from dental stores. Below is a list of the essential tools:

     Denture pastes and cleansers
     A soft brush
     Denture-soaking solution

These tools are important for both the maintenance and repair of your dentures. If you do not have any of these tools, it is important that you get it. These tools not only help keep your denture clean and hygienic but also help make it last longer.

Maintaining Your Dentures

If you already have the above-mentioned tools, you can now learn the proper way to maintain your dentures.

Maintaining your dentures here would be divided into three stages:

1.    Handling your dentures
2.    Keeping your dentures
3.    Cleaning your dentures

1.    Handling your dentures

Here is the first thing you need to know about denture maintenance: handle your dentures with care. Whatever you do, always bear this in mind. When you use the denture, when you clean it, when you keep it. No matter the case, once you have reason to handle the denture, do it carefully.

2.    Keeping your dentures

When keeping your dentures, here are a few things you would need to practice:

     Always clean your dentures before keeping them
     Keep your dentures in denture-soaking solution when not in use
     Keep your dentures in a safe place where they wouldn’t be tampered with

3.    Washing your dentures

When washing your dentures, here are a few things you would need to practice:

     Wash your dentures at least once a day
     Always wash your dentures with denture past or cleansers
     Use only soft brush for dentures

Other Denture Maintenance Practices

     Always soak your dentures overnight
     Rinse dentures properly before you put them in your mouth
     Clean your mouth before and after removing dentures
     Clean your dentures and mouth after eating
     Avoid using hard brush or strong cleansers on your dentures
     Avoid hot boiling water

Repairing Your Denture

If you have a damaged denture or have reasons to believe your denture is no longer as good as it used to be, your best bet is to take it to a dentist for repair. Sure you can always find denture repair kits in stores around, using them is not as easy as it may seem. To prevent further damages to the denture, it is much better to simply see a professional.


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