Seven Things You Need to Know Before Visiting a Denture Clinic

So you are considering paying a visit to the Denture Clinic in Blue Mountains or in Katoomba and getting that denture implant thing you heard of, but are scared of what that might mean for you. You’re starting to ask questions:

Should you really get it? Can you even afford it? Oh, what if it's dangerous?

If so, there’s no need to worry. We are here to answer all your questions. Here, we provide answers to the seven big questions most people ask about denture implants and denture clinics.

1.    Do I really need the denture implant?

This is a really tricky one. Truth is, deciding on whether or not to get that denture implant shouldn't be your personal choice. Yes, it depends largely on the current state of your teeth, but who is in the best position to know that than a dentist.

So here's what you need to know before making that trip to the denture clinic: The dentist knows best! Are you wondering if you really need to get dentures, then visiting a denture clinic is your best bet at answering this question.

2.    How painful are denture implants?

Don't stress! There's really nothing to worry about. Denture implants can almost be described as not being painful at all. Anesthesias are administered for the procedure, and you might not even feel any more than a tiny pinch.

3.    What is the success rate for the procedure?

Typically between 90- 98%.

This success rate depends largely on the jaws being operated and the skill of the dentist. In over 95% of the cases, the operations are without complications.

4.    What complications can arise?

Like any surgery, dental implant surgery poses some minor health risks and patients can suffer some setbacks. These setbacks are rare though. They are also usually minor and are in all cases easily treated.

These complications may include bleeding, infections at the site of the implant, or sinus or nasal cavity injuries.

Aside from these drawbacks, implants are generally a safe and reliable option for you.

5.    Can you smoke?

No! You shouldn't continue to smoke if you intend to go to a denture clinic for an implant soon.

You really should avoid smoking after the implant placement too because smoking has every possibility of causing an implant failure or birthing complications in that line.

6.    How long do implants last?

Denture implants don’t last forever. Ideally, they last for about 15 to 20 years.

7.    How much do they cost?

Denture implants are fairly expensive, but the price varies depending on the clinic you choose.

Lastly, you should know that dental implants are not so quick a fix. Since multiple steps are involved, you would need to pay constant visits to the denture clinic to follow up on your implant until it heals completely.


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