Common Denture Problems

The invention of dentures has been a great help to individuals who have lost some or all of their teeth for one reason or the other.

Whether the teeth were lost due to old age or a terrible accident or whatever other reason, dentures have been able to help these such individual regain some form of confidence in themselves by providing them replacements for those precious teeth they lost.

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Unfortunately though, for all the good dentures have done, there is still much to be desired. Below are a number of common problems associated with the use of dentures:
  1. Discomfort

Experiencing discomfort from time to time is one of the most common denture problems reported by patients during the earlier period of denture use. Since dentures are artificial teeth in which the body needs some getting used to, this is not entirely surprising. Over time, however, this discomfort disappears as the body get used to the foreign material of the denture.
  1. Lowered Chewing Efficiency

Another common issue with dentures is hampered chewing efficiency. This is usually due to the unfamiliarity of most denture users to their “new” teeth or a result of the discomfort mentioned earlier. Just as with the case of discomfort however, the chewing efficiency of new denture users has been found to improve over time.
  1. Sores On The Gum

Though less common than the other two mentioned above, sores in the gum are still a common denture problem, especially when the dentures weren’t personally designed for the user by a professional dentist. This problem is usually caused by poorly fitted dentures, or the use of dentures for eating meals they are not suited for.

These problems are most common when individuals opt for getting cheaper alternatives to the more complex and professionally approved options, or when they use less competent dentists. This is why we advise that you always get your dentures from certified denture clinics and that every denture repair be carried out in professional denture clinics as they can be trusted to do a much better job.
Are you in need of top-tier denture-related services? Contact a professional denture clinic near you today.


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