Dentures for Better Oral Health and Young Look

A denture is commonly referred to as false teeth. It is specially designed to replace individual missing teeth with artificial teeth. Dentures fit snugly in the cavity and support the hard tissues surround them.

Need for dentures

A person who lost their teeth suffers a lot for some years. Decayed teeth will cause periodontal disease, severe pain, dentin genesis imperfect, etc. The dentist always advised the patients for a partial or full replacement of the decayed one. Once you replace, you can save the next teeth, once you fail to treat immediately, it causes a cavity, severe pain, bleeding, and irritation on gums.

The replacements of a set of dentures are fit after cleaning, medication, gum flap, surgery, or a combination of all. The artificial teeth provide support to the lips, cheeks, and helps for a youthful look. Thus having dentures will allow the person to chew the food well and also serve to improve the facial appearance.

Types of Dentures

Based on the need of an individual, the type of denture will be decided. Dentures can be either full or partial type.


Partial dentures


Indentures type, Partial dentures are used in the case where the patient has only a few missing teeth and not full teeth. In partial dentures, the patient has two options to choose, it may be either removable or fixed type. Dentists in Penrith are able to provide perfect treatment for this denture. You can check it in online like Dentures Penrith to figure out the right one.


Suppose in case of an accident, or sports, or collision, a person may lose one or two teeth, here the dentist will suggest using a fixed tooth in those cases. Once you replace the fixed teeth in the decayed teeth, the patient feels more convenient like an original tooth. This type of fixing teeth is called a crown bridge arrangement.


Here, the bridging teeth fit into the gap well and the crowns are attached to sit firmly on the top of the adjoining teeth. After that, the appliance is cemented in place. For brushing the patient need to remove the teeth for cleaning purpose. It is the highly recommended type of dentures for all age groups.

Removal Dentures

Removable dentures are similar to the partial dentures. Here the teeth use the only bridge and not the crowns. These are held in the place using clips. But it is easy to identify, remove, and to clean the dentures.

These types of removable dentures are less stable than fixed dentures. These are correspondingly less expensive. The life of this type of dentures is comparatively less when compared to the fixed one. In removable dentures, patients feel uncomfortable while chewing or talking.Always patients must carry a box along with the place they travel to safeguard the dentures.

Complete dentures

It is a type of denture, where the entire set of teeth on the lower jaw or the upper jaw has to be replaced completely. The complete dentures are classified into four types: standard dentures, immediate dentures, implant-retained dentures, Cu-Sil dentures. According to the patient convenient and condition, the dentures are decided.

Standard Dentures

Standard dentures are the most widely common type of dentures that are used for the loss of an entire set of teeth. The standard dentures are fixed behind the hard bone in the roof of the mouth. This helps to maximize the surface and helps for retention and stability.

To fix this standard denture, it takes about 4 appointments approximately to fit perfectly. The stability of this type of dentures is purely dependent upon the hardness of the underlying tissues.

Immediate dentures

It is a temporary denture that is constructed before the extraction of natural teeth. The pre-fabricated denture is inserted immediately after the extraction. The immediate Denture serves to numb the pain. Most patients use to do well with is immediate dentures. It takes only 2 appointments for the fitting process. Check it in online like Dentures Penrith to choose the right

Cu-Sil Dentures

Having even single natural teeth add calcium and stability of denture to a significant degree. The Cu-Sil denture is a complete denture featuring a soft elastomeric gasket that clasps the neck of the remaining natural teeth.

It allows sealing out the fluids and foods and facilitating for splinting of all the natural teeth from the hard acrylic denture base. Cu-Sil provides good stability by improving the suction. It stabilizes loose teeth and extends the life of the teeth.

Implant retained dentures

Dentures dental implantation involves having a titanium screw fitted into a hole drilled into the bone for stability, and to secure the position of the tooth. The procedure is quite expensive but retention is more enhanced.


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