Why is it Important to Repair Your Dentures?

Dentures are usually made of tough acrylic resin that is comfortable and simple to fix. However, over time, this appliance base can become thinner, making it more vulnerable to breakage. Once a denture has been weakened, it can lead to an irregular bite and a cascade of oral problems. Are your teeth chipped or broken? Wearing damaged replacement teeth is not only painful but can lead to a variety of complications, including poor oral health and speech difficulties. Contrary to common belief, it is not just aged or old patients who need to have tooth replacement options. Tooth loss may occur at any age and may be due to a variety of causes, including: ● Poor oral hygiene ● Sports injury ● Advanced gum disease ● Dental cavities ● Poor lifestyle habits (eg. smoking) Here are 5 reasons why it is so important to visit a denture clinic in Katoom...