Why is it Important to Repair Your Dentures?

Dentures are usually made of tough acrylic resin that is comfortable and simple to fix. However, over time, this appliance base can become thinner, making it more vulnerable to breakage. Once a denture has been weakened, it can lead to an irregular bite and a cascade of oral problems.

Are your teeth chipped or broken? Wearing damaged replacement teeth is not only painful but can lead to a variety of complications, including poor oral health and speech difficulties.

Contrary to common belief, it is not just aged or old patients who need to have tooth replacement options. Tooth loss may occur at any age and may be due to a variety of causes, including:

     Poor oral hygiene

     Sports injury

     Advanced gum disease

     Dental cavities

     Poor lifestyle habits (eg. smoking)


Here are 5 reasons why it is so important to visit a denture clinic in Katoomba for skilled denture repair services:


1.      It will save you money

All dentures may need repair at one point if they start to feel loose or split. Postponing a visit to your denturist means that you are only making it more likely that you will need a complete denture replacement. This will save you a lot more money than standard denture repairs.

Through coping with broken or loose dentures as soon as the harm happens, you will be sure to keep the oral health care costs down.

2.      Quick denture repair relieves pain

If your dentures are loose, unsuitable, or otherwise impaired, not only will they affect the appearance of your smile, but they can cause:

         Sore spots in the mouth

        Stomach issues with not being able to chew food well

        Pain in your gums

In addition to protecting you from the discomfort and pain caused by broken dentures, professional denture repair can also protect you from falling out while you talk and eat. Professionals at the denture clinic in Katoomba will treat you and help you in relieving pain.

3.      Your oral health will improve

Broken dentures are not only unappealing to the eye but also detrimental to your oral health. Damaged dentures can lead to a host of oral problems, such as:

         Misalignment of the remaining teeth

        Reducing bone density in the jaw

        Difficulty in biting or chewing

        Denture repairs can reduce your risk of developing gingivitis

Gingivitis is a gum disease that causes swollen and bleeding gums and well-maintained dentures that can prevent tooth loss and protect your oral health and reduce your risk of developing this painful and severe oral condition.

4.      Reduce movement of remaining teeth

If a tooth is missing on the denture, it can impact the whole balance of the bite and contribute to the movement of the other teeth. Teeth that are opposite the denture gap are adversely affected by the lack of counteracting force. These opposing teeth can move vertically and expose their roots, making them vulnerable to decay. Denture repairs to patch the tooth would keep the remaining teeth in place and help preserve their protection.

5.      You will enjoy a beautiful smile

If you go in for denture repair, your denturist will also decide whether your new teeth need to be washed, polished, or realigned. If so, the oral health care provider will be able to remove any stains or discoloration, resulting in improved facial appearance and better expression.

Looking for denture repair service

Many dentures need repair at some stage because of the constant pressure of eating and talking. Living with a broken piece can lead to pain and oral problems. At the first sign of injury, it is necessary to obtain denture repair from a dentist. Visit our denture clinic in Katoomba immediately.

Disclaimer: This is generic Information & post; content about the services can be changed from time to time as per your requirements and contract. To get the latest and updated information, contact us today or visit our website.


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