Can You Sleep with Dentures In?

One prevalent issue among people who wear dentures is whether it's safe or recommended to sleep with them. Dentures are intended to replace lost teeth. With the help of removable dentures, people can confidently eat, speak, and smile again. From this section learn about possible advantages, disadvantages, and best practices of using Dentures in Blue Mountainsas advised from Dell & Ben Christie Denture Clinic. 

Can You Sleep with Dentures? 

You'll probably be eager to show off your new smile as soon as your dentures are eventually delivered. Sleeping in your dentures for the first few days is acceptable; in fact, your dental team might advise it. 

You should take your dentures out before going to bed each night once your mouth has gotten used to them. Unless a dentist instructs you otherwise, dentures should be taken out and stored in a cleaning solution while you sleep in order to preserve them and your gums.  

The Benefits of Sleeping with Dentures  

  • Comfort and Convenience: For people who find it difficult or uncomfortable to take out their dentures before bed, sleeping with them may be a practical option. Dentures that are left in place might save time and trouble, especially for elderly people who might have mobility problems.  

  • Improved Appearance: Some people, particularly those who share a sleeping area, might choose to sleep with their dentures in place in order to preserve a natural appearance even at night.  

  • Reduced Movement: Properly fitting dentures are less prone to shift around while you sleep, reducing your anxiety about unintentional displacement. To know if these benefits suit you, get a reference from the best clinic for Dentures in Blue Mountains. 

Cons of Sleeping with Dentures 

  • Concerns Regarding Oral Health: The possible effects of sleeping in dentures on oral health are among the most primary concerns. Overnight storage of dentures can provide an environment conducive to bacterial growth, which can result in gum inflammation, infections, and foul breath.  

  • Pressure Sores: Wearing dentures without taking a rest for a long time can result in pressure sores on the gums and soft tissues, which can hurt and become uncomfortable.  

  • Bone Resorption: Removing dentures at night gives the jawbone and gums a chance to relax and heal from the pressure that the dental device has been applying. The normal process of bone loss that happens when teeth are lost is called bone resorption, and it can be sped up by the pressure that wearing dentures while sleeping puts on the gums. 

Denture Care Maintenance Tips 

Here are the four easy-to-follow procedures for taking care of your dentures every day:  

  • First, use a non-abrasive denture cleaning and a soft brush to brush your dentures every day. Regular toothpaste will harm the surface of your dentures, so avoid using it.  

  • Secondly, to clean your denture and get rid of any dangerous bacteria, it is recommended to soak it in denture cleaning once a day. However, it can be dangerous for wearers with cognitive impairments to use denture cleaners. In these situations, washing the dentures under running water with a gentle brush and regular soap is adequate. 

  • Thirdly, take off your dentures for the night to give your gums and mouth a break and avoid infection. 

  • Lastly, to keep an eye on the integrity of your denture and your dental health, get frequent denture checks.  

Final thoughts 

Although there might be a few exceptions depending on the situation, it's usually a good idea to take your dentures out before going to bed. For customized advice based on your unique dental needs, speak with our dentist at Dell & Ben Christie Denture Clinic. If you are looking for Dentures in Blue Mountains, then get in touch with Dell & Ben Christie Denture Clinic. 

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